Orthodox Eucharistic Liturgies

and Liturgical Theology

Information and Readings for Auditors

Course Syllabus

Attending Class

Class will be held on Wednesdays at 11am in the Divinity Common Room (North).

Required Texts

The following books should be acquired for this course as they will be read in their entirety. Copies will also be placed on reserve at Trinity College Library.

  • Alexander Schmemann, The Eucharist (SVS Press)
  • Hugh Wybrew, The Orthodox Liturgy (SVS Press)


Week 1: Introduction to the Course and Liturgical Theology


  • Course overview and expectations
  • Introduction to liturgy and liturgical theology
  • Patristic and scholastic approaches, and the meaning of lex orandi est lex credendi
  • Introduction of readings and methodology


Week 2: Early History and Development of Eucharistic Liturgies


  • Survey of the history of the Liturgy from the Old Testament to the end of the 4th century
  • Worship in the Bible, both Old and New Testament
  • Worship in the early church, including within its eschatological worldview
  • Development of liturgical tradition and of the structure of Eucharistic liturgies
  • Study of early liturgical sources and commentaries
  • The meaning of ‘typology’ and ‘allegory’


Primary Sources

Primary texts drawn from Lucien Deiss, Springtime of the Liturgy. 

Students will be assigned and focus on different primary texts within this collection as follows:

Biblical sources

  • Old Testament and Jewish liturgy, pp 3-19 
  • Institution of the Eucharist, pp 22-26
  • New Testament hymns — Doxologies and blessings, pp 29-37
  • New Testament hymns — Christological hymns, pp 38-45
  • New Testament hymns — Professions of faith and baptismal hymns, and Didactic and hortatory hymns, pp 46-56
  • New Testament hymns — Canticles from Luke, pp 56-61
  • New Testament hymns — Hymns of the Apocalypse, pp 62-69

Early church (first three centuries)

  • Didache, pp 73-77
  • Clement of Rome to the Corinthians, pp 81-85
  • Justin Martyrpp 89-94
  • Melito of Sardis, Homily on Pascha, pp 99-110
  • Clement of Alexandria, pp 115-119
  • Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus of Rome, pp 123-153
  • Didascalia of the Apostles, pp 169-180