Salvation Is from the Jews

Christianity and Judaism in Theological Perspective and Dialogue

See weeks 1 to 6 for course syllabus and other details.

Week 7 (Story of the Jews: Key Moments in Narrative Self-Understanding) Topics and Readings


  • Jewish guest speaker: Dr Amy-Jill Levine
  • Defining moments in the ongoing story of the Jewish people within an overall historical account from Jewish perspective


A List Readings

  • “Introduction” and chapter 7, “Quo Vadis?” of The Misunderstood Jew: The Church and the Scandal of the Jewish Jesus, by Amy-Jill Levine (for background information on our guest speaker)
  • “The Jewish Holy Days,” chapter 37 of The Wiley-Blackwell History of Jews and Judaism, by Stanley Schachter
  • [skim read only – noting that you will choose a particular period to focus on for the historical study assignment] A Short History of the Jewish People: From Legendary Times to Modern Statehood, by Raymond P. Scheindlin, chapters 3 to 8 (pp 51-198)
    [alternatively] read the B List readings below, or skim through the relevant volumes (5 to 7) of The Cambridge History of Judaism

B List Readings

C List Readings

Week 8 (Encounters Bad and Good: Jews and Christians on the Shared and Divined Road of History) Topics and Readings


  • Crises, tragedies, and occasional highlights in the historical relationship of Jews and Christians
  • Foundations of antisemitism and persecution of Jews
  • Case study: Charles Coughlin
  • The long road to the Shoah (Holocaust), and its more immediate causes


A List Readings


B List Readings


C List Readings

Week 9 (The Shoah / Holocaust: Disaster and Theological Aftermath) Topics and Readings


  • How Jews understand and are shaped today by the Shoah
  • Key post-Holocaust Jewish theologians and thinkers
  • Judaism(s) today
  • Vatican II and Nostra Aetate


A List Readings


B List Readings


C List Readings

  • “American Jews and the Jewish State,” chapter 28 of The Wiley-Blackwell History of Jews and Judaism, by David Bamberger
  • Zionism and Judaism: A New Theory, by David Novak

Week 10 (Towards a Truer and More Faithful Christian Theology of Israel) Topics and Readings

NB: This is an asynchronous class week. Credit students will be completing assignments on the Quercus discussion forums.


  • Witness of Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger, Monk Lev Gillet, et al.
  • Drawing key theological insights together into an integrated Christian theology of Israel that is faithful to the Biblical narrative and significance of God’s chosen people


A List Readings

For this asynchronous class week, please read the following (for the first class assignment):

  • Chapter 7 of Christianity in Jewish Terms:
    • “Israel – Judaism and Christianity: Covenants of Redemption” by Irving Greenberg
    • “Israel, Judaism, and Christianity” by David Fox Sandmel
    • “Israel and the Church: A Christian Response to Irving Greenberg’s Covenantal Pluralism” by R. Kendall Soulen
  • Chapters 1 to 3, “The Ecclesiological Challenge of Nostra Aetate,” 2, “A Stranger in a Strange (Yet Familiar) Land,” and 3, “Lumen Gentium, Gloriam Israel,” from Searching Her Own Mystery: Nostra Aetate, the Jewish People, and the Identity of the Church, by Mark S. Kinzer

Then read either of the following sets of readings (for the second class assignment, to prepare a suggested question for next week’s class and guest speakers):

  • Rabbi Dr David Novak set:

Please note that before week 11’s class, it is expected that you will also have read and be familiar with the other set of readings that you didn’t use for this week 10 class assignment.

B List Readings

C List Readings

  • The Promise by Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger
  • Chapters 4 (“God”), 5 (“Scripture”), 6 (“Commandment”), 8 (“Worship”), 9 (“Suffering”), 10 (“Embodiment”), 11 (“Redemption”), 12 (“Sin and Repentance”), 13 (“Image of God”) from Christianity in Jewish Terms

Week 11 (Renewed Encounters and Dialogue: What Christians Should Know about Jews Today) Topics and Readings


  • Guest speakers:
    • 7pm to 8pm: Rabbi Dr David Novak
    • 8.15pm to 9.15pm: Rabbi Dr Mark Kinzer and Dr AJ Levine
  • The diverse lives of Jewish people in community and Canadian society today
  • Return and rise of antisemitism
  • Challenges and opportunities for a renewal of Jewish-Christian dialogue


A List Readings

Then read the other of the following sets of readings that you didn’t use to prepare a suggested question in last week’s class assignment:

  • Rabbi Dr David Novak set:

B List Readings

C List Readings

  • Jewish-Christian Dialogue: A Jewish Justification, by David Novak
  • Talking with Christians: Musings of a Jewish Theologian, by David Novak


If you are having trouble working your way through (or making sense of) all the readings in preparation for the visits of Rabbi Dr David Novak and Rabbi Dr Mark Kinzer this week — or you simply want further background details on our guests — the following videos may prove useful.

The History & Future of Jewish-Christian Dialogue! R’ Shmuly Yanklowitz Interviews Prof. David Novak

Nostra Aetate, the Jewish People, and the Identity of the Church | The Mark Kinzer Interview

Week 12 (Course Review and Liturgical Case Study) Topics and Readings


  • Review of main course themes
  • Liturgical case study: revisiting and reforming Byzantine Rite liturgical texts (as well as traditional Good Friday prayers “for the conversion of the Jews” in various Western Rites)


A List Readings

B List Readings

C List Readings


Ahead of Wednesday’s final class, please watch this conversation with Dr Amy-Jill Levine about the case study liturgical texts under consideration.

As we prepare to review the main course themes this week, this video of a talk by Dr Amy-Jill Levine on Sunday 4 December may also prove helpful.