Class will be held on Wednesday evenings at 7pm in Larkin 340.
The following book should be acquired for this course as it will be read nearly in its entirety. It is readily and inexpensively available for purchase (including as an ebook), or to borrow from good libraries. A copy will also be placed on reserve at Trinity College Library.
Students may also wish to acquire the following book which will be useful for the short exegetical paper (if you wish to do that assignment). A copy will also be placed on reserve at Trinity College Library.
All other required readings, whether chapters from books or articles, are available online and will be posted below.
The readings for each week are divided into three lists:
A List Readings: These are the required readings for the course. It is essential that you prepare these carefully ahead of each class discussion. You can meet all the course expectations by focusing only on these texts.
B List Readings: These recommended further or extended readings are provided to give you additional background materials for the topics of each week. You are invited to read these to explore the themes in more depth, and to choose and draw upon them for your final literature review assignment (if you choose to submit one). They may be referred to in passing in class discussions, but they will not be dwelt upon as not everyone will have read them.
C List Readings: These readings, often full books or volumes of articles, are given for those who are interested in pursuing the subject matter to a higher level, in their own time, or perhaps in future research or at an advanced degree level. They will not form part of our class discussions, though they can also be used for your literature review.
A List Readings
B List Readings
C List Readings
We didn’t get to the final part of the proposed agenda, “The Lord’s prayer as a quintessential Jewish prayer.” If you are interested, you can watch the following excerpt from the course offered in a previous year:
A List Readings
B List Readings
C List Readings